Know that making a commitment to your happiness, to your health, to your fitness, to your family, to your abundance, to your career, to your mission in life, to your love, to your friends, to your community, to your creativity, to your spiritual life, is all the same thing. It is all a commitment to growth, to wholeness, to being your best, to living life fully and gratefully starting from where you are right now!
The Daily Raw Inspiration
In order to truly be healthy, we have to truly want to be alive! And in order to truly want to be alive, we have to love this life! And in order to love this life, I think perhaps we have to believe in this world and its people, despite what we see in the news! We have to see the incredible beauty of our lives! Right now, wherever we are, in whatever situation we are in, life is amazing! When we open our eyes to this, we can really, truly embrace our life and live it fully! And health will naturally follow…
The Daily Raw Inspiration
Carpe diem, fånga dagen
Vem har gett dig garanti
Att den morgon som just grydde
Följs av flera i ditt liv
Carpe Diem, fånga dagen
Har du gjort allt det du vill?
Har du lyssnat, har du älskat
Har du hunnit stanna till?
Carpe diem, fånga dagen
Tänk om det din enda är
Står du nu där du vill vara
Går du dit ditt hjärta bär
Carpe diem, fånga dagen
Lev ditt liv, ja vänner njut!
Mörkret faller, sanden rinner
Sakta ur ditt timglas ut
Maria Bergström
Nothing happens unless first a dream.
Carl Sandburg
House for sale in Khao Lak
Ur boken: Härarbeta – Att arbeta där du gör det bäst. Teo Härén
Ta det lugnt allt ordnar sig.
Din gåva är att känna förtröstan inför livet.
Djurens Språk – Solöga
Öppna upp för förändring på alla plan.
Din gåva är förnyelse.
Här handlar det om att bejaka nya områden, t ex nya arbetsområden, nya tankesätt, nya idéer mm.
Djurens Språk – Solöga
The universe is an endless string of possible new beginnings; only the mind can block them. Every moment offers evidence of miracles, if our eyes are open to see them and ours hearts are open to experience them.
Marianne Williamson