Ord på vägen


Healthy I am
Happy I am
Holy I am



Bara nuet

Vila. Ta det lugnt. Allt ordnar sig.
Lev i nuet. Ett steg i taget. Bara ett steg i taget. 
Var i nuet, här och nu. Med dem du är just nu.
Inget annat. 
Bara nuet är det jag vill ha av dig. 
Bara nuet.
Där finns balans – där finns jag. 



One-way traffic

God´s way

Soul does not relate to mind; mind relates to soul. It’s a one-way traffic.

Yogi Bhajan


Free & happy

If you wish to be happy, no one can stop you.
Similarly, if you wish to be free, no one can stop you.
In fact the universe encourages and supports your freedom.


Because to be happy and free is your natural state.




Number 4 – Guru Ramdas – Neutral Mind:

The Karma of number 4 is doubt, confusion, hesitation and paralysis of the heart. 
The Dharma of number 4 is inner awareness, trust, conscious choice, commitment, love and service.

We take things to heart. This is not a problem, its human. The question is not merely what can we do with all the things that we take to heart, but what to do with the state that our heart ends up in? The heavy heart is not to be denied, avoided or repressed. It is a blessing awaiting transformation. Hesitation can be used as an opportunity to pause for breath and to be with your inner self, which is the true source of strength. Confusion is a chance to let go of control and trust. Paralysis is a small step away from crystallization of the diamond.

It is the truth of self that we feel each other’s pains and joys. It is the truth of the human heart to know the other’s experience from within ourselves. The heart even needs this to cultivate its latent potential. All these experiences are so that we can develop a big heart and a strong heart. Commitment to Humanity is a commitment to be human. And with this commitment we turn to prayers, to the breath, to service and to poetry. In this way we turn painful moments and memories into possibilities and opportunities. We make music out of life’s difficulties.

April is a month to take a reality check. As we have set up a program, or plan of action, and the year feels like it is in full swing, the tendency is to continue the outward expansion. However the soul calls you to stop and be sure you are not going it alone, and that you are not losing touch with the essence and original purpose. When your soul stands in the core of your commitment it is going to support you to keep up. In nature this is the inner contraction of the bud which sets the nucleus and seed of all that is to come.

Guru Ramdas laid the foundation for community consciousness (sangat). The soul is like a bird and will more easily migrate through the time and space when flying with other birds. Tests will be ahead, good company, and prayers are needed. It helps reminds you to love your self and trust in God.
Dwelling in sangat is dwelling in God; and seva is a living prayer. Then, after the prayer, we can say ‘the rest is in the hands of the divine‘.
Guru Ramdas was a lover of humanity and this is expressed in his life of service and in his poetry. His mantra was Sat Naam, breath by breath tuning in to the inner truth and sowing seeds of the True Identity.
The Sarovar (nectar tank) of Guru Ramdas is the space of the heart where we find the We-in-me, the shared sense of humanity.
Reflecting on Guru Ramdas and the inner chamber of the heart in the month of April awakens a universal prayer for all: ”In this terrifying world ocean of poison people are drowning, please lift them and save them.

Shiv Charan Singh
Karam Kriya


Seven steps to happiness

Här kan du läsa om ”The Seven Steps to Happiness” enligt Yogi Bhajan och 3HO – Healthy Happy Holy Lifestyle

The secret of happiness is in your power to sacrifice and uplift others. Happiness is in giving, not in taking. God will give to you. Trust in the fact! Happiness is our birthright. There is no argument about it. Give your mind a chance.


An attitude


Make an attitude to be in gratitude.
You will find the whole Universe will come to you.

Yogi Bhajan – Laws of life


Små underverk

När vi verkligen älskar, accepterar och godkänner oss själva precis som vi är, då fungerar allt i livet. Det är som om det sker små underverk överallt. Vår hälsa förbättras, vi drar till oss mer pengar, våra relationer blir mera tillfredsställande, och vi börjar uttrycka oss på ett kreativt och tillfredsställande sätt. Allt detta tycks hända utan att vi ens anstränger oss. Jag älskar dig.

Alwine Mattsson


Helheten verka

Mirakel är att låta helheten verka bortom det begripliga.

 Kajsa Ingemarsson



Right now

Life is right now.
It will always be right now.
It’s never going to get any better than right now
until it gets better right now.

Abraham Hicks


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