Ord på vägen

Effortless One

The Real cannot be discovered outside yourself. All that which appears through the body, mind and senses is phenomenal and time-bound.

Don’t try to become the Self.

While the seeker is busy trying to reach the Self, he misses the goal of his search, which is already complete and ever present as his inner-most Being. Though the usual tendency is to identify with the seeker-mind…DON”T. Instead, recognise that behind the one trying is the effortless One. Confirm this. It is timeless and eternally perfect.

If you miss It, you are going to find yourself on a ’merry-go-round’ and it is not that merry, I tell you. Find and be that inner Silence which is never on the move. Leave aside all intentions, notions and desires. Even the desire for freedom must be dropped. Become entirely empty and don’t start picking up any new ideas. Paradoxically, the most powerful force in the universe is doing nothing at all.

Go deep. Find and Be the Real!




Sri Bhagavan (Oneness) om att – acceptera det som är och leva i frid.


Livet är ett spel

Sri Bhagavan (Oneness) om att – Leva!


Älska Dig själv

Sri Bhagavan (Oneness) om att – älska Dig själv!


Just start

As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears.



Have fun!

You don’t stop having fun because you get old,
you get old because you stop having fun.



Om tankar

När tankar är repetitiva, innebär det att det är någon oupplöst känsla.

Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan

ThépausKolla budskapet jag fick på dagens thépåse 😉



Oneness handlar inte om att bli, utan om att stanna med ’det som är’.

Sri Amma Bhagavan


Be open

Close the door to yesterday
and open your mind, your heart, and your spirit
to the blessings of this moment.

Iyanla Vanzant



There will be an answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be

Let it be


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