Ord på vägen

No separation

Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes,
because for those who Love with heart and Soul there is no such thing as separation!



Authentic power

You can not choose what you are going to feel in the moment,
but you can choose what you´re going to do while you´re feeling it.

Gary Zukav

Älskar Gary Zukav, han sänder ut så fin energi och närvaro.
Det här klippet ger mig mycket insikter, kan varmt rekommendera det!
Spiritual Partnership Guidelines, seatofthesoul.com




Tag utan tvekan språnget in i det nya och vet blott
att det kommer att vara mycket mer underbart än det gamla du har lämnat bakom dig.

Med förändring kommer liv, ett fullödigt och strålande liv.

Elieen Caddy



Ett kort och enkelt yogapass i syfte att släppa stress och spänningar.


Supreme soul

Until you’ve found pain you won’t reach the cure

until you’ve given up life

you won’t unite with the supreme soul

until you’ve found fire inside yourself

you won’t reach the spring of life.



Stand tall and proud

Advice from a tree


Key to life

When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.

John Lennon



Be comfortable with your own comfort, your own peace… just be yourself. 





Andlighet handlar inte om att ge upp saker,
utan om att inte vara fäst vid saker.

Sri AmmaBhagavan


Your grace

I have no cause for anger or for fear, 
For You surround me.
And in every need t
hat I perceive,
Your grace suffices me.

A course in miracles
Lesson 348


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