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Wherever you go

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Love affair

To get older is the most beautiful time to experience your unique love affair with the universe.
Fall in the arms to that who always will carry you home.

Lena Forsell


Beauty in You

Life is so good. I’am glad that you notice and truly come to understand it now. It’s more deepen. You are more aware. More aligned.

Like when you watch leafs in the autumn and you see how beautiful they are and you maybe feel sad because you notice their beauty to late. When they fall to the ground though their beauty remain.

Your sadness is when you realize that you haven’t been appreciate their beauty during the spring or summer time. You just began to notice when it’s almost to late.

Beauty is now. Beauty is everywhere. Recognize it right now. Appreciate it and give thoughts and emotions to it. Send it love today. Give your love and beauty to the world, and the world responding right away by sending you more to love and more beauty to see.

Start today be seeing yourself in the mirror and give yourself beautiful and loving thoughts and emotions.

See that beauty in You. Love is already there. Just recognize it!




About richness

Average people believe you have to do something to get rich.
Rich people believe you have to be something to get rich.



Love to do

Pure consciousness is rising above you. You just has to entertain yourself. 
What would you love to do? Tell us.
We will bring that opportunity to you, in front of you. Just to grasp.
Why can´t you just ask us to deliver it to you.

You love to dance, meditate, write, do yoga, exercise, walk.
The money. The how´s! The many issue just block your energy.

What would you love to do?



Harmony and happiness
make people jealous.

Be happy anyway!

Paulo Coelho



Many people think excitement is happiness….
But when you are excited you are not peaceful.
True happiness is based on peace.

Thich Nhat Hanh


How to pray

To receive grace consistently, you need to know how to pray. There are certain conditions which you must fulfill for your prayer to be powerful.

1.You must be authentic in your prayers

2.Your prayer must come from your heart

3.You must have a bond with your God

4.You must focus on the solution, not on the problem

5.You must express gratitude as if it has been granted already

Once you do this, you would receive abundant grace from your God.

Sri Amma Bhagavan


Take time…




Happiness is your birthright.
Live it!

Yogi Bhajan


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