
Välkommen att delta i en kort meditation om 5 minuter, där du fyller dig själv och Moder Jord med healingenergi. Om du vill gör du den en gång i veckan under 2012. Känn dig fri att dela den med andra. Ju fler av oss som sänder ljus och kärlek till jorden och varandra desto bättre.



5 kommentarer till “Solmeditation

  1. Fia

    Den finns även på engelska för den som vill sprida den ut i världen. Om vi omfamnar jorden från flera geografiska platser blir det kraftfullare, energin är som starkast där du som gör meditationen är.


    We would like to introduce to you a sunmeditation. You just need about five minutes and a time to be by yourself.

    So when you are ready. Just sit comfortably. If its possible bring your feet down to the earth, with a straight back and relaxed shoulders. Relax in your face and yar. Closed eyes.
    Feel in to the body from the sittningbone, true your spine. Up thru the seven chakras. From your feet, thru the sittningbone and up to the top of your head. Visualize that your are balanced and all is good and you feel the energy floating in your entire body.

    Focus on your third eye point the six chakra between your eyebrows. And visualize that you are looking to the Sun and connecting your soul with the Suns souls. You are connecting together, you are One. Let this connection open up your heart, heartchakra in the middle of the chest. You can see within the chest you open up to your true self. Open up to the Sun within you. And let this Sun be bright, warm and shiny like a hot nice summer day. And the energy from the Sun is floating into your shoulders, wider in to your arms, hands and fingers.

    You reach out with your arms visualize that you are holding the earth. Holding the earth in your hands or your arms round the earth. Letting the bright light from your Sun connecting to the Sun for all of us, just let the energy move around the earth and send warm and love and energy to everyone. You can stay here for a while, just conncet from your Sun, from your heart to the entire world.

    Stay as long as you will. And when you want to come back, bring your energy closer to you, back to your heart, back to your aura, back to your body.
    Take a deep breath and come back, the meditation is finshed.

    Thank you very much for joining. If you want to, feel free to spread it around the world.
    You can do the meditation once a week the year 2012 and helping spred healing energy to Mother Earth and all beeing.

  2. Lena Landby

    Jättebra Sofia!
    Efter en helg fylld med enormt mycket arbete gjorde jag denna nu innan sängdags <3 känns skönt, lugnt och fridfullt att ge Moder Jord energi av kärlek <3


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