Artiklar med etiketten ‘The daily raw inspiration’

Heart of gratitude

As you know, happiness is one of the three keys to health! And cultivating the heart of gratitude is one of the most amazing things you can do to achieve long-lasting, consistent happiness! Gratitude can easily become a habit, like anything else, and it is one of the best habits you could wish for! When you feel grateful, it is like an inner massage, just causing every cell in your body to become alight with a vibrant and alive energy. This is more powerful and instant – and cheaper – than a supplement! It is absolute magic. Here’s one way to get started right now!

Gratitude Challenge: Can you cultivate living in gratitude today? Can you feel gratitude for each dish you wash, each email you answer, each person you speak with, each bite of food you eat, each thought and emotion you have, each moment of this day?

Jinjee – The Garden Diet


Commitment to health

Know that making a commitment to your happiness, to your health, to your fitness, to your family, to your abundance, to your career, to your mission in life, to your love, to your friends, to your community, to your creativity, to your spiritual life, is all the same thing. It is all a commitment to growth, to wholeness, to being your best, to living life fully and gratefully starting from where you are right now!


The Daily Raw Inspiration



Raw Inspiration

In order to truly be healthy, we have to truly want to be alive! And in order to truly want to be alive, we have to love this life! And in order to love this life, I think perhaps we have to believe in this world and its people, despite what we see in the news! We have to see the incredible beauty of our lives! Right now, wherever we are, in whatever situation we are in, life is amazing! When we open our eyes to this, we can really, truly embrace our life and live it fully! And health will naturally follow…


The Daily Raw Inspiration


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