Meditation reparerar hjärnan och ökar välbefinnandet.
7 keys to living a better life right now
1) Stay connected to your spirit. Pray. Meditate Be Still. Your spirit is connected to your intuition. When you stay “spiritually plugged in” your life will have all the power it needs to the components of your life correctly. You feed your body, but you must feed your spirit. Your spirit is your soul, your intuition, the inner being of who you are and who you are destined to be.
2) Stay financially savvy. Money is an important part of your life and it’s important to develop a relationship with money that allows you to live the way you want. Money is just a tool. If you stay up late THINKING about it, but WAKE UP every day complaining about it, you’ll never make progress. To grow your bank account you must grow your mind. Be financially savvy and get knowledge that will help you manifest more money, get better job opportunities, make more money in your business. There’s nothing wrong with money, the BIG problems come when people don’t have money. You deserve more of it.
3) Stay physically fit. You don’t have to be a track star or a gymnast but please take care of your body. Your children, your family, your career, your future needs you to be in some sort of shape so that you can achieve what needs to be achieved in this lifetime. Start where you are and make progress. Take care of your body and your body will take care of you. Drink more water. Do a little exercise. Stretch. You’ll have more energy and your confidence will be boosted just by taking little steps to improve your fitness.
4) Stay connected to your vision. Vision boards are powerful. Your future is ahead of you and not behind you. A millionaire told me… “You don’t get what you want, you get what you picture.” What do you look at and stare at everyday? Things you don’t want or things you do want? A vision board will help you pull your dreams into reality very quickly because your mind falls in love with vivid pictures. If you imagine it long enough, your brain can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what isn’t. You might as well be constantly reminded of the life you WANT to have instead of looking at the life you don’t want to have. Keep your vision in front of you.
5) Stay connected to the right people. Blessings and miracles come through people. I repeat : blessings and miracles come through people. Make it a point to keep positive people and remove negative people, don’t be afraid or ashamed to make adjustments in your personal or professional network. Help who you can, serve others and spread positive energy and it will come back to you. ALWAYS be on the lookout for people who are going in the same direction you’re going. Realize that being connected to the wrong people can sabotage everything else on this list. Stay connected to good people who LIKE you and who are LIKE you.
6) Stay connected to what you want. The law of attraction is powerful. You don’t have to make this a HARRY POTTER movie filled with magic, brooms and witches, just understand that like attracts like. Good people attract good people. Good energy attracts good energy. You must BE the person you want to attract, BE the business owner that everyone wants to work with. As a man thinketh, so is he. You are what you think about the most. Simply put, if you want to become a millionaire… start thinking like a millionaire. If you want to be a doctor, start being a doctor and thinking like a doctor. Remember, birds of a feather flock together. Use this law to your advantage. You want the corner office? Start dressing like you already have it. (This isn’t about impressing others and buying designer clothes, it’s about raising your self-image).
7) Stay connected to intimacy. Love yourself and love the person you love. Share the energy, share the love and enjoy the power of intimacy and romance in your life. Dr. Napoleon Hill referred to this magic like power as sex transmutation. He also referred to the hidden force that is contained within nearly EVERY positive relationship. There is no limit to what a man/woman can achieve when they have LOVE in their life. Teamwork makes the dream work. And guess what.. if you’re not in a relationship, you’re always in a relationship with yourself.
Shanel Cooper-Sykes
1. Var på en inspirerande närhet till människor med visioner. Umgås med mer än bara tomtebloss. Sök människor med längre brinntid och uthållighet än så.
2. Slå vakt om din tid. Det du gör ska vara värt det även för dig. Kastar någon till dig ett ben, se till att det är tillräckligt med kött på det. Sätt värde på dig själv.
3. Låt hjärtat vara med i allt du deltar i. Vad du än gör, låt något stå på spel, gör det viktigt. Sakers värde står i relation till hur mycket du går in för det.
4. Ha nära till naturen. Vatten, eld, luft och jord. Ser du en vacker solnedgång, följ med den hela vägen ned. Livet blir som mest närvarande då.
5. Gör det förflutna till en källa för lärdomar, ingen boplats. Vad du kunde ha blivit och gjort, det är redan oåterkalleligt förlorat. Tillåt det att få vara som det är.
6. Låt alltid det bästa ligga framför dig. Ge dig mycket att längta till, saker som ger dig många anledningar att gå upp på morgonen.
7. Se varje tussilago som kämpar sig upp ur asfalten som en påminnelse om vad som är möjligt även under svåra förutsättningar. Den tussilagon kan vara du.
Olof Röhlander
It is God who is at work within you,
giving you the will and the power to achieve his purpose.
John Baker
Life’s healing choices
Angel message for the week by Doreen Virtue
One Sunday afternoon a father was trying to take a nap, but his little boy kept bugging him with ”Daddy. I’m bored.” so, trying to occupy him with a game, the dad found a picture of the world in the newspaper. He cut it up in about fifty pieces and said, ”Son, see if you can put this puzzle back together.” The dad lay back down to finish his nap, thinking the map would keep his son busy for at least an hour or so. But in about fifteen minutes the little guy woke him up: ”Daddy, I’ve got it finished. It’s all put together.”
”You’re kidding.” He knew his son didn’t know all the positions of the nations, so he asked him, ”How did you do it?”
”It was easy. There was a picture of a person on the back of the map, so when I got my person put together, the world looked just fine.”
Life’s healing choices
John Baker
Du frågar. Stampar. Otåligt. Vill alltid veta vart du ska. Vad göra härnäst.
Tvekar du verkligen på min plan. Min skapelse – tror du att den är bristfällig.
Allt är fulländat. Har så alltid varit. Allt är som det ska. Allt är tillrättalagt, varje stopp, varje rörelse är i min stora helhet perfekt. Inget brister. Inget lämnas åt slumpen. Ingen är bortglömd.
Du är en del av skapelsen. Min skapelse. Allt jag skapar är fulländat – så även du. Så även din livsplan. Släpp kontrollen – lita till mig.
If you want an hour of happiness: have sex.
A day of happiness: go fishing.
A year of happiness: get married.
A lifetime of happiness: Love your work.